Darus Sunnah
The Dress Code for the Muslim Women by Imam Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani (d. 1420H) - BOOK
The Dress Code for the Muslim Women by Imam Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani (d. 1420H)
Allah, the Exalted, proclaimed: “O Prophet, instruct your wives and your daughters, along with the believing women, to draw over themselves [some] of their outer garments,” [al-Ahzab (33): 59].
In Islam, women are regarded highly: regardless of being a daughter or a mother, single or married, wealthy or impoverished, Islam has respected all faithful women.
At the core of society lies the family home, pulsating with life through the women who nurture the upcoming generation. This is the reason women are essential for creating a virtuous society. When women attain righteousness, the surrounding world will consequently improve and enhance itself, since it is women who nurture future nations.
As a comprehensive lifestyle, Islam provides a code of behavior for both men and women, and an individual's attire is a manifestation of proper conduct that is visible externally.
In contrast to the misguided reasoning of those against Islam, our faith upholds and honors women more than any other belief or philosophy. In contemporary society, numerous people have talked about and argued over the attire of a Muslim woman. It has turned into a contentious topic that is frequently raised to criticize Islam, with some even claiming that elements of Muslim women’s attire are restrictive or irrelevant to the faith.
The dress guidelines for Muslim women are highly significant and have already been addressed for us in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Adhering to the instructions set forth by both is a genuine indication of a faithful woman, a reflection of her devotion, a way to enhance her position, and to reach the status of a woman promised Paradise.
This comprehensive text addresses significant aspects and complex details concerning the attire of faithful women, whom Allah refers to in the aforementioned verse alongside the daughters and wives of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him). Nobility, dignity, and respect are found in adhering to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger, and this is the route to success in both this life and the Afterlife. It is essential for our beloved sisters to comprehend and implement in their lives what is conveyed within these pages in order to attain the satisfaction of our Lord.
According to the author, may Allah have mercy on him, “This is a good thesis and a useful treatise, Insha Allah, which I have assembled to clarify the attire that is obligatory for the Muslim woman to wear when she leaves her home and the requirements that she must meet for her clothing to be Islamic.” In this process, I have depended on the Qur’an and Sunnah, taking guidance from the practices and statements of the Companions (radiyAllahu`anhum) and the Imams.