The Quran speaks of the people of paradise as “…those who bring to Allah sound hearts.” (26:87) and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said in a famous hadith, “There is a peace of flesh in the body, the nature of which is that when it is sound, the entire body is sound, and when it is corrupt, the entire body is corrupt - it is the heart.”
In this age of Materialistic values it is often forgotten by Muslims as well that in the end of the only true valuable possession is a pure heart. The eminent Muslim scholar Yassin Roshdy takes the opportunity in this small book to remind us of this vital fact of human existence, basing himself firmly on the Quran and Sunnah. He looks at the heart and its window onto the world, the tongue; analyses the defects to which they are subject; and shows us how to avoid these dangers and purify ourselves. In so doing he provides us with an essential key to success in both this world and the next.